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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Innovative approach to education and upbringing of young people

Simonovich N. N.,

Simonovich G. N., k. psih. n.

Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy gumanitarnyy universitet (Moskva, Miusskaya ploschad, d. 6)

Bokova N. V., aspirant

Vladimirskiy gosudarstvennyy gumanitarnyy universitet (Vladimir, pr. Stroiteley, 11).

The article is devoted to the actual topic and reveals one of the approaches in educational, educational and personnel policy. Two main directions for the implementation of innovation in the system of education and vocational training are described in detail. The paper presents professiograme needed in society and reveals the factors that contribute to the education and training of young specialists. The conclusion is made that the innovative approach to education allows to train specialists for solving the set tasks and obtaining the final results. In the competence-based approach is missing a technology for transmitting knowledge. The article gives specific practical recommendations on how to implement the knowledge control, and teachers need to be included in the practical work in the workplace.


1. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Innovatsionnye metody issledovaniya natsionalnoy bezopasnosti // Kazanskiy sotsialno-gumanitarnyy vestnik. 2012. # 3-4 (6). S. 9-10.
2. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Ekonomicheskaya i sotsialno – psihologicheskaya bezopasnost regionov rossiyskoy federatsii // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. 2014. # 8. S. 40-44.
3. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Prinyatie resheniy po upravleniyu organizatsiey v period krizisa: Sotsialno-psihologicheskie aspekty // Audit i finansovyy analiz. 2015. # 4. S. 308 -311.
4. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E Rol motivatsii v effektivnyh kompaniyah // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. 2015. # 21. S. 16 -24.
5. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Innovatsionnye metody prinyatiya resheniy v usloviyah riskov: psihologicheskie aspekty //Agrarnoe obrazovanie i nauka. 2016. # 2. S. 35.
6. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Konkurentosposobnost predpriyatiya v usloviyah globalizatsii obschestva: vliyanie korporativnoy kultury // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. 2014. # 11. S. 39-44.
7. Kiseleva I. A., Simonovich N. E. Ekonomicheskaya i sotsialno – psihologicheskaya bezopasnost predpriyatiya // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. 2014. # 5. S. 30 -34.
8. Yachmeneva N. P., Simonovich N. E. K probleme ispravleniya i resotsializatsii nesovershennoletnih osuzhdennyh // Vestnik RGGU. Seriya: Psihologiya. Pedagogika. Obrazovanie. 2016. # 2 (4). S. 82 – 92.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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