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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


BAYKIN YU. L., k. s-h. n.,

STEPANOV V. V., starshiy prepodavatel kafedry filosofii,

TRIFONOV A. N., k. i. n., dotsent kafedry filosofii

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet (g. Ekaterinburg, ul. K. Libknehta, d. 42).

The paper takes into consideration the evolutionary continually development of society. The authors follow the fate of state farms from the historical point of view and support its role for the development of agrarian sector in the country. Attention is paid to choice of ways for the development of this sphere and the importance of scientific analysis and prognoses at planning for following ways in the development of agricultural production in Russia is pointed out. One of the innovative ways in the development of agrarian sector is a natural historical way, planning of agrotowns amalgamating all others forms of agricultural production. But there are some hindrances on the way of the practical outlooks in the development of the idea, such as non-seeing logics and perspectives, following myths of the past. A non-founded absolutely of the farmers’ idea, decreasing of experience and modern ideas and projects based on works of specialists in this subject from Russia and abroad hinder the progressive development of agriculture. The authors propose larger structures of agricultural production connected not only with technological enterprises but also with developed social infrastructure. The authors mind the agro towns can decrease the citizens’ leaving for city, attract young specialists of agrarian higher schools to live and work in agro towns. This problem can be solved only in joint work of scientists of various scientific – practically disciplines and is to be taken into consideration in the future. Planning the modern agriculture it is not possible to pay much attention to farmers’ enterprises and APC ignoring social and cultural spheres, the state has to pay more attention to the agro towns will be promoting it.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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