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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Prospects of agroclasses development in the system continuing education Ural state agricultural university

Chechenihina O.S., kandidat s-h. nauk, dotsent, dotsent kafedry biotehnologii i pischevyh produktov,

Sinko V.N., starshiy prepodavatel kafedry filosofii, Uralskiy GAU.

Among all categories of the rural population, it is young people who have high hopes for the revival of the village, because it is the most susceptible to innovation, adaptive to new living conditions. The Institute of education has always been a kind of opportunity to transfer from one social layer to another. This explains the increasing flow of schools to universities and colleges. Today, agricultural specialties are not so popular among the younger generation, to the regret. There is a need to take immediate measures to provide vocational guidance to young people, including those from rural areas. The article presents the project of implementation of new forms of early professional orientation among rural youth through creation of agroklassov on the basis of rural schools Sverdlovtion region. The authors of the project relied on the best practices of the University in this area. For example, in the USSR there was in different periods of history a full-fledged, scientifically grounded system of vocational guidance of the population at the state level. In the Ural state Uni-versity of EDUCATION has always been a priority to ensure the availability of higher education for rural youth. For this purpose, a system of pre-University training was created twenty years ago. Usau has a positive experience of interaction of universities with General educational schools, sec-ondary special educational institutions, professional lyceums. Today, among the various methods, a large role is given to the development of direct ties and cooperation on a contractual basis with basic schools and inter-school educational centers, the implementation of joint educational programs "VVE-dénia in the agricultural business" and research projects with the participation of University teachers: offline classes, master classes, online webinars, excursions to the advanced enterprises of the agricultural complex of the region; conducting research projects; open lessons among students on the subject "Introduction to the profession" on the topic "Agricultural professions of the future»; the work of specialized units "Agrarians" during the summer school camps on the basis of rural schools of the region.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

+7 (343) 221-40-12 - accounting
