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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Development of the Russian market of agronomic consulting using digital systems

Voronin B. A., d.yu.n., professor,

Chupina I. P., d.e.n., professor,

Voronina YA. V., st. prepodavatel,

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

The market of agronomic consulting is actively developing in Russia. And the digitalization of agriculture has become an additional incentive for such growth. The digitalization of agriculture has both undeniable benefits and challenges that need to be addressed in the near future. On the one hand, the economic effect increases, labor productivity increases 3 - 5 times, the marginality of agribusiness increases, and the costs of agricultural producers decrease. New technologies make it possible to carry out an effective inventory of land and land use. On the other hand, farmers face difficult challenges in the implementation of precision farming technologies. These are the issues of integration of new systems with existing business processes, and the lack of a comprehensive solution that would provide automation and transparency of all business processes. There is a whole block of personnel issues: the lack of specialists adapted to the agricultural sphere, the lack of agronomists capable of working with computer programs and applications, low qualification of people who will have to service the new equipment. And the success of the whole process of digitalization of agriculture in Russia largely depends on how quickly and competently these issues will be resolved. The new company agricultural consulting today filling in the gaps of information and Advisory services, which are in dire need of the farmers. However, it is necessary to take into account the ability of manufacturers of innovative equipment to adequately respond to the mediation activities of entrepreneurs in the area. It is also logical to study the policy of local authorities towards farmers and, of course, the financial health of the latter.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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