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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Longitudinal Stability of a Wheeled Tractor

УДК 629.1-02:631.3.07:631.372.


Grigory Iovlev

Artem Bakhterev

Irina Goldina

The indicator of longitudinal stability of the tractor is important from the point of view of the safety of the production process, as well as the performance of machinetractor and transport units. To assess the longitudinal stability, the concept of "Index of longitudinal stability" was introduced; calculations of the longitudinal stability index were made using the example of tractors Belarus 1221 and Case Maxxum 130; calculations of longitudinal stability on the example of a wheeled tractor Belarus 82.1. Calculations are presented in tables; conclusions are drawn based on the results of the research.

Key words: longitudinal stability, wheeled tractor, longitudinal stability index, stability.

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