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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The root system of agrocenosis in modernsoil-forming process of the chernozems of the Southern Urals

L.A. Senkova, doktor biologicheskih nauk,

L.V. Grinets, kandidat selskohozyaystvennyh nauk,

A.S. Gusev, kandidat biologicheskih nauk UrGAU. 

The paper deals with the degradation of chernozems in the steppe zone during agricultur-al use. It is shown that the change in phytocenoses by agrocenoses causes a change in the thick-ness of the root system and, as a consequence, weakening of the sod process. Studies of the ratio of phytocenosis roots to agrocenosis showed that the more favorable the natural conditions, the more negative impact on the soil-forming process of the soil is provided by modern technologies of wheat cultivation.


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2. Savich V. Lokalnoe protekanie pochvoobrazovatelnyh protsessov kak faktor korrek-tirovki modeley plodorodiya pochv / V. Savich, V. Naumov, M. Kotenko, V. Gukalov, V. Sedyh // Mezhdunarodnyy selskohozyaystvennyy zhurnal, 2017, # 1. S. 50-53.
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9. Senkova L.A. Vodno-fizicheskie svoystva chernozemov Yuzhnogo Urala / L.A. Senkova //Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2008. # 3 (45). S. 66-68.
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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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